.NET Interface to CHEMCAD  1.1.11
CCAPI Namespace Reference


class  Chemcad
 Base class for accessing CHEMCAD functionality. More...
class  ColdStream
class  ColumnHydraulicsResult
 Stores the colummn hydraulics data. All the units are in current flowsheet engineering units. More...
class  ColumnStageData
 Stores the colummn stage data. More...
class  Component
 Represents a CHEMCAD component. More...
class  ComponentCollection
 Allows access to components by id or name. More...
class  ComponentValue
 Contains information about component value from Kvalues and Flash Results. More...
class  ComponentValueCollection
 Contains a collection of component flows. More...
class  FlashResult
 Contains flash calculation results. More...
class  Flow
 Contains information about component flow in streams. More...
class  FlowCollection
 Contains a collection of component flows. More...
class  FlowRateCurUnits
 Contains information about component flow in streams in current flowsheet Units. More...
class  FlowRateInternalUnits
 Contains information about component flow in streams in internal Units. More...
class  Flowsheet
 Represents a simulation file and its contents. More...
class  FlowsheetUnits
 Contains user units used in a flowsheet. More...
class  FlowsheetUnitsCollection
class  FlowsheetUnitss
 Contains user units used in a flowsheet. More...
class  FlowStrategy
class  HeatCurvesResult
class  HotStream
interface  IFlowsheet
class  InternalUnits
 Contains user units used in a flowsheet. More...
class  InternalUnitsCollection
interface  IServer
class  KValuesResult
 Contains computed k values. More...
class  OptimizationVariables
 Optimization Variables class. More...
class  RuntimeErrorHelper
class  Server
 Entry object for using CHEMCAD as a COM server More...
class  ServerImpl
 Entry object for using CHEMCAD as a COM server More...
class  StreamCollectionCurUnits
class  StreamCollectionInternalUnits
class  StreamInCurUnits
 Represents a stream in a flowsheet. More...
class  StreamInInternalUnits
 Represents a stream in a flowsheet. More...
class  StreamResult
 Represents a computed stream. More...
class  UnitOperation
 Represents a unit operation in a flowsheet. More...
class  UnitOperationCollection


enum  ColumnType { ColumnType.Pack, ColumnType.Tray }
 Column type enumeration. More...
enum  CompFlowType {
  MoleFlow = 1, MassFlow = 2, StdLiquidVolumetricFlow = 3, MoleFraction = 4,
  MassFraction = 5, TotalMassRate = 6, StdLiquidVolumeFraction = 7
 Enumeration of components flow properties. More...
enum  EquilibriumRxnParamter {
  AFactor = 1, BFactor = 2, HeatOfReaction = 3, ApproachDT = 4,
  FractionalApproach = 5, FractionalConversion = 6, ExponentialFactor = 7
 Enumeration of Equilibrium Reaction parameters. More...
enum  FlashMode { FlashMode.TemperaturePressure = 1, FlashMode.VaporFractionPressure = 2, FlashMode.VaporFractionTemperature = 3, FlashMode.EnthalpyPressure = 4 }
 Enumeration of flash modes.

Type Value
Temperature Pressure 1
Vapor Fraction Pressure 2
Vapor Fraction Temperature 3
Enthalpy Pressure 4
enum  FlowRateOption { FlowRateOption.MoleRate = 1, FlowRateOption.MassRate = 2, FlowRateOption.StandardLiquidVolumeRate = 3, FlowRateOption.StandardVaporVolumeRate = 4 }
 Enumeration of flow rate types. More...
enum  KineticRxnParameter {
  FrequencyFactor = 1, ActivationEnergy = 2, ExponentialFactor = 3, BetaFactor = 4,
  AdsorptionFrequencyFactor = 5, AdsorptionEnergyFactor = 6, AdsorptionExponentialFactor = 7, HeatOfReaction = 8
 Enumeration of Kinectic Reaction parameters. More...
enum  PropertyType {
  MolecularWeight = 1, CriticalTemperature = 2, CriticalPressure = 3, AcentricFactor = 4,
  NormalBoilingPoint = 5, SpecificGravityAt60F = 6, IdealGasHeatOfFormation = 7, IdealGasGibbsFreeEnergyOfFormation = 8
 Types of basic physical properties. List:

  • Molecular Weight
  • Critical Temperature
  • CriticalPressure
  • Accentric Factor
  • Normal Boiling Point
  • Specific Gravity At 60F
  • Ideal Gas Heat Of Formation
  • Ideal Gas Gibbs Free Energy Of Formation
enum  PropertyType2 {
  MolecularWeight = 1, CriticalTemperature = 2, CriticalPressure = 3, CriticalVolume = 4,
  MeltingPoint = 6, NormalBoilingPoint = 9, IdealGasHeatOfFormation = 11, IdealGasGibbsFreeEnergyOfFormation = 12,
  AcentricFactor = 16, SolubilityFactor = 18, DipoleMoment = 19, SolidHeatOfFormation = 24,
  SolidGibbsEnergyOfFormation = 25, StandardHeatOfVaporation = 33, StielPolarFactor = 34, PolarParameter = 35,
  EpsK = 36, MolecularDiameter = 37, WatsonFactor = 38, MeanAverageBoilingPoint = 39,
  APIGravity = 40, SpecificGravityAt60F = 41, RackettConstant = 42, ModifiedAcentricFactor = 43,
  UNIQUACAreaParameter = 44, UNIQUACVolumeParameter = 45, WilsonMolarVolume = 46, APINetHeatingValue = 47,
  APIGrossHeatingValue = 48, LiquidVolumeConstant = 49, SolidDensity = 65, LiquidDensity = 66,
  VaporPressureEquation = 67, HeatOfVaporation = 68, SolidHeatCapacity = 69, LiquidHeatCapacity = 70,
  IdealGasHeatCapacity = 71, LiquidViscosity = 73, VaporViscosity = 74, LiquidThermalConductivity = 75,
  VaporThermalConductivity = 76, SurfaceTension = 77, AntoineVaporPressureEquation = 97, IdealGasHeatCapacityAdditional = 98,
  LiquidViscosityAdditional = 99, SurfaceTensionAdditional = 100, HenrysConstants = 101, MSRKParameters = 102,
  UNIFACGroupData = 103
 Types of physical properties. More...
enum  StreamProperty {
  Temperature = 1, Pressure = 2, MolVaporFraction = 3, Enthalpy = 4,
  TotalMoleRate = 5, TotalMassRate = 6, TotalStdLiquidVolumeRate = 7, TotalStdVaporVolumeRate = 8,
  TotalActualVolumeRate = 9, TotalActualDensity = 10, TotalMw = 11, GrossHValue = 12,
  NetHValue = 13, ReidVaporPressure = 14, UOPK = 15, VABP = 16,
  MeABP = 17, FlashPoint = 18, PourPoint = 19, TotalEntropy = 20,
  MassVaporFraction = 21, PHValue = 22, VaporMoleRate = 26, VaporMassRate = 27,
  VaporEnthalpy = 28, VaporEntropy = 29, VaporMw = 30, VaporActualDensity = 31,
  VaporActualVolumeRate = 32, VapStdLiquidVolumeRate = 33, VapStdVaporVolumeRate = 34, VaporCp = 35,
  VaporZfactor = 36, VaporViscosity = 37, VaporThermalConductivity = 38, CpCv = 39,
  LiquidMoleRate = 41, LiquidMassRate = 42, LiquidEnthalpy = 43, LiquidEntropy = 44,
  LiquidMw = 45, LiquidActualDensity = 46, LiquidActualVolumeRate = 47, LiquidStdLiquidVolumeRate = 48,
  LiquidStdVaporVolumeRate = 49, LiquidCp = 50, LiquidZfactor = 51, LiquidViscosity = 52,
  LiquidThermalConductivity = 53, LiquidSurfaceTension = 54, LiquidAndSolidActualDensity = 55, LiquidAndSolidActualVolume = 56,
  LiquidLatentHeat = 57, SolidMoleRate = 60, SolidMassRate = 61, SolidMw = 62,
  SolidEnthalpy = 63, SolidCp = 64, SolidActualVolume = 65, SolidDensity = 66,
  SolidStdVaporVolumeRate = 67, SolidStdLiquidVolumeRate = 68
 Enumeration of stream properties. More...
enum  UnitType {
  MolarFlowRate = 1, Temperature = 2, TemperatureDifference = 3, Pressure = 4,
  PressureDifference = 5, EnthalpyRate = 6, WorkRate = 7, Area = 8,
  HeatTransferCoefficient = 9, HeatOfReaction = 10, Length = 11, Diameter = 12,
  LiquidDensity = 13, Viscosity = 14, SurfaceTension = 15, MassFlowRate = 16,
  CrudeFlowRate = 17, CakeResistance = 18, Solubility = 19, SpecificVolume = 20,
  DipoleMoment = 21, VaporDensity = 22, Volume = 23, Velocity = 24,
  MediumResistance = 25, PackedColumnPressureDrop = 26, SpecificHeatCapacity = 27, ThermalConductivity = 28,
  LiquidColumeRate = 29, VaporVolumeRate = 30, Mole = 31, Mass = 32,
  Heat = 33, EnthalpyMole = 34, EnthalpyMoleOrEnthalpyMass = 35, EnthalpyMass = 36,
  FoulingFactorReserved = 37, HeatCapacityMoleOrMassBases = 38, InverseLiquidVolume = 39, Time = 40

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ColumnType

enum CCAPI.ColumnType

Column type enumeration.


Pack column type.


Tray column type.

◆ CompFlowType

enum CCAPI.CompFlowType

Enumeration of components flow properties.

◆ EquilibriumRxnParamter

Enumeration of Equilibrium Reaction parameters.

◆ FlashMode

enum CCAPI.FlashMode

Enumeration of flash modes.

Type Value
Temperature Pressure 1
Vapor Fraction Pressure 2
Vapor Fraction Temperature 3
Enthalpy Pressure 4


Temperature - Pressure


Volume - Pressure


Volume - Temperature


Enthalpy - Pressure

◆ FlowRateOption

enum CCAPI.FlowRateOption

Enumeration of flow rate types.


◆ KineticRxnParameter

Enumeration of Kinectic Reaction parameters.

◆ PropertyType

enum CCAPI.PropertyType

Types of basic physical properties. List:

  • Molecular Weight
  • Critical Temperature
  • CriticalPressure
  • Accentric Factor
  • Normal Boiling Point
  • Specific Gravity At 60F
  • Ideal Gas Heat Of Formation
  • Ideal Gas Gibbs Free Energy Of Formation

◆ PropertyType2

enum CCAPI.PropertyType2

Types of physical properties.

◆ StreamProperty

enum CCAPI.StreamProperty

Enumeration of stream properties.