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.NET Interface to CHEMCAD
Classes | |
class | Chemcad |
Base class for accessing CHEMCAD functionality. More... | |
class | ColdStream |
class | ColumnHydraulicsResult |
Stores the colummn hydraulics data. All the units are in current flowsheet engineering units. More... | |
class | ColumnStageData |
Stores the colummn stage data. More... | |
class | Component |
Represents a CHEMCAD component. More... | |
class | ComponentCollection |
Allows access to components by id or name. More... | |
class | ComponentValue |
Contains information about component value from Kvalues and Flash Results. More... | |
class | ComponentValueCollection |
Contains a collection of component flows. More... | |
class | FlashResult |
Contains flash calculation results. More... | |
class | Flow |
Contains information about component flow in streams. More... | |
class | FlowCollection |
Contains a collection of component flows. More... | |
class | FlowRateCurUnits |
Contains information about component flow in streams in current flowsheet Units. More... | |
class | FlowRateInternalUnits |
Contains information about component flow in streams in internal Units. More... | |
class | Flowsheet |
Represents a simulation file and its contents. More... | |
class | FlowsheetUnits |
Contains user units used in a flowsheet. More... | |
class | FlowsheetUnitsCollection |
class | FlowsheetUnitss |
Contains user units used in a flowsheet. More... | |
class | FlowStrategy |
class | HeatCurvesResult |
class | HotStream |
interface | IFlowsheet |
class | InternalUnits |
Contains user units used in a flowsheet. More... | |
class | InternalUnitsCollection |
interface | IServer |
class | KValuesResult |
Contains computed k values. More... | |
class | OptimizationVariables |
Optimization Variables class. More... | |
class | RuntimeErrorHelper |
class | Server |
Entry object for using CHEMCAD as a COM server More... | |
class | ServerImpl |
Entry object for using CHEMCAD as a COM server More... | |
class | StreamCollectionCurUnits |
class | StreamCollectionInternalUnits |
class | StreamInCurUnits |
Represents a stream in a flowsheet. More... | |
class | StreamInInternalUnits |
Represents a stream in a flowsheet. More... | |
class | StreamResult |
Represents a computed stream. More... | |
class | UnitOperation |
Represents a unit operation in a flowsheet. More... | |
class | UnitOperationCollection |
Enumerations | |||||||||||
enum | ColumnType { ColumnType.Pack, ColumnType.Tray } | ||||||||||
Column type enumeration. More... | |||||||||||
enum | CompFlowType { MoleFlow = 1, MassFlow = 2, StdLiquidVolumetricFlow = 3, MoleFraction = 4, MassFraction = 5, TotalMassRate = 6, StdLiquidVolumeFraction = 7 } | ||||||||||
Enumeration of components flow properties. More... | |||||||||||
enum | EquilibriumRxnParamter { AFactor = 1, BFactor = 2, HeatOfReaction = 3, ApproachDT = 4, FractionalApproach = 5, FractionalConversion = 6, ExponentialFactor = 7 } | ||||||||||
Enumeration of Equilibrium Reaction parameters. More... | |||||||||||
enum | FlashMode { FlashMode.TemperaturePressure = 1, FlashMode.VaporFractionPressure = 2, FlashMode.VaporFractionTemperature = 3, FlashMode.EnthalpyPressure = 4 } | ||||||||||
Enumeration of flash modes.
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enum | FlowRateOption { FlowRateOption.MoleRate = 1, FlowRateOption.MassRate = 2, FlowRateOption.StandardLiquidVolumeRate = 3, FlowRateOption.StandardVaporVolumeRate = 4 } | ||||||||||
Enumeration of flow rate types. More... | |||||||||||
enum | KineticRxnParameter { FrequencyFactor = 1, ActivationEnergy = 2, ExponentialFactor = 3, BetaFactor = 4, AdsorptionFrequencyFactor = 5, AdsorptionEnergyFactor = 6, AdsorptionExponentialFactor = 7, HeatOfReaction = 8 } | ||||||||||
Enumeration of Kinectic Reaction parameters. More... | |||||||||||
enum | PropertyType { MolecularWeight = 1, CriticalTemperature = 2, CriticalPressure = 3, AcentricFactor = 4, NormalBoilingPoint = 5, SpecificGravityAt60F = 6, IdealGasHeatOfFormation = 7, IdealGasGibbsFreeEnergyOfFormation = 8 } | ||||||||||
Types of basic physical properties. List:
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enum | PropertyType2 { MolecularWeight = 1, CriticalTemperature = 2, CriticalPressure = 3, CriticalVolume = 4, MeltingPoint = 6, NormalBoilingPoint = 9, IdealGasHeatOfFormation = 11, IdealGasGibbsFreeEnergyOfFormation = 12, AcentricFactor = 16, SolubilityFactor = 18, DipoleMoment = 19, SolidHeatOfFormation = 24, SolidGibbsEnergyOfFormation = 25, StandardHeatOfVaporation = 33, StielPolarFactor = 34, PolarParameter = 35, EpsK = 36, MolecularDiameter = 37, WatsonFactor = 38, MeanAverageBoilingPoint = 39, APIGravity = 40, SpecificGravityAt60F = 41, RackettConstant = 42, ModifiedAcentricFactor = 43, UNIQUACAreaParameter = 44, UNIQUACVolumeParameter = 45, WilsonMolarVolume = 46, APINetHeatingValue = 47, APIGrossHeatingValue = 48, LiquidVolumeConstant = 49, SolidDensity = 65, LiquidDensity = 66, VaporPressureEquation = 67, HeatOfVaporation = 68, SolidHeatCapacity = 69, LiquidHeatCapacity = 70, IdealGasHeatCapacity = 71, LiquidViscosity = 73, VaporViscosity = 74, LiquidThermalConductivity = 75, VaporThermalConductivity = 76, SurfaceTension = 77, AntoineVaporPressureEquation = 97, IdealGasHeatCapacityAdditional = 98, LiquidViscosityAdditional = 99, SurfaceTensionAdditional = 100, HenrysConstants = 101, MSRKParameters = 102, UNIFACGroupData = 103 } | ||||||||||
Types of physical properties. More... | |||||||||||
enum | StreamProperty { Temperature = 1, Pressure = 2, MolVaporFraction = 3, Enthalpy = 4, TotalMoleRate = 5, TotalMassRate = 6, TotalStdLiquidVolumeRate = 7, TotalStdVaporVolumeRate = 8, TotalActualVolumeRate = 9, TotalActualDensity = 10, TotalMw = 11, GrossHValue = 12, NetHValue = 13, ReidVaporPressure = 14, UOPK = 15, VABP = 16, MeABP = 17, FlashPoint = 18, PourPoint = 19, TotalEntropy = 20, MassVaporFraction = 21, PHValue = 22, VaporMoleRate = 26, VaporMassRate = 27, VaporEnthalpy = 28, VaporEntropy = 29, VaporMw = 30, VaporActualDensity = 31, VaporActualVolumeRate = 32, VapStdLiquidVolumeRate = 33, VapStdVaporVolumeRate = 34, VaporCp = 35, VaporZfactor = 36, VaporViscosity = 37, VaporThermalConductivity = 38, CpCv = 39, LiquidMoleRate = 41, LiquidMassRate = 42, LiquidEnthalpy = 43, LiquidEntropy = 44, LiquidMw = 45, LiquidActualDensity = 46, LiquidActualVolumeRate = 47, LiquidStdLiquidVolumeRate = 48, LiquidStdVaporVolumeRate = 49, LiquidCp = 50, LiquidZfactor = 51, LiquidViscosity = 52, LiquidThermalConductivity = 53, LiquidSurfaceTension = 54, LiquidAndSolidActualDensity = 55, LiquidAndSolidActualVolume = 56, LiquidLatentHeat = 57, SolidMoleRate = 60, SolidMassRate = 61, SolidMw = 62, SolidEnthalpy = 63, SolidCp = 64, SolidActualVolume = 65, SolidDensity = 66, SolidStdVaporVolumeRate = 67, SolidStdLiquidVolumeRate = 68 } | ||||||||||
Enumeration of stream properties. More... | |||||||||||
enum | UnitType { MolarFlowRate = 1, Temperature = 2, TemperatureDifference = 3, Pressure = 4, PressureDifference = 5, EnthalpyRate = 6, WorkRate = 7, Area = 8, HeatTransferCoefficient = 9, HeatOfReaction = 10, Length = 11, Diameter = 12, LiquidDensity = 13, Viscosity = 14, SurfaceTension = 15, MassFlowRate = 16, CrudeFlowRate = 17, CakeResistance = 18, Solubility = 19, SpecificVolume = 20, DipoleMoment = 21, VaporDensity = 22, Volume = 23, Velocity = 24, MediumResistance = 25, PackedColumnPressureDrop = 26, SpecificHeatCapacity = 27, ThermalConductivity = 28, LiquidColumeRate = 29, VaporVolumeRate = 30, Mole = 31, Mass = 32, Heat = 33, EnthalpyMole = 34, EnthalpyMoleOrEnthalpyMass = 35, EnthalpyMass = 36, FoulingFactorReserved = 37, HeatCapacityMoleOrMassBases = 38, InverseLiquidVolume = 39, Time = 40 } | ||||||||||
strong |
strong |
Enumeration of components flow properties.
strong |
Enumeration of Equilibrium Reaction parameters.
strong |
Enumeration of flash modes.
Type | Value |
Temperature Pressure | 1 |
Vapor Fraction Pressure | 2 |
Vapor Fraction Temperature | 3 |
Enthalpy Pressure | 4 |
Enumerator | |
TemperaturePressure | Temperature - Pressure |
VaporFractionPressure | Volume - Pressure |
VaporFractionTemperature | Volume - Temperature |
EnthalpyPressure | Enthalpy - Pressure |
strong |
strong |
Enumeration of Kinectic Reaction parameters.
strong |
Types of basic physical properties. List:
strong |
Types of physical properties.
strong |
Enumeration of stream properties.