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.NET Interface to CHEMCAD
Properties | |
float | NoOfStages [get, set] |
float | FeedStage1 [get, set] |
float | FeedStage2 [get, set] |
float | FeedStage3 [get, set] |
float | FeedStage4 [get, set] |
float | FeedStage5 [get, set] |
float | DrawStage1 [get, set] |
float | DrawStage2 [get, set] |
float | DrawStage3 [get, set] |
float | DrawStage4 [get, set] |
float | TopPressure [get, set] |
float | CondPressureDrop [get, set] |
float | ColmPressureDrop [get, set] |
float | CondenserType [get, set] |
float | CondenserMode [get, set] |
float | CondenserSpec [get, set] |
float | CondCompi [get, set] |
float | CondCompj [get, set] |
float | SubcooledTemp [get, set] |
float | ReboilerMode [get, set] |
float | ReboilerSpec [get, set] |
float | ReboilerCompi [get, set] |
float | ReboilerCompj [get, set] |
float | DampingFactor [get, set] |
float | Iterations [get, set] |
float | InitialFlag [get, set] |
float | SideProd1Mode [get, set] |
float | SideProd2Mode [get, set] |
float | SideProd3Mode [get, set] |
float | SideProd4Mode [get, set] |
float | SideProd1Spec [get, set] |
float | SideProd2Spec [get, set] |
float | SideProd3Spec [get, set] |
float | SideProd4Spec [get, set] |
float | SideProd1Comp [get, set] |
float | SideProd2Comp [get, set] |
float | SideProd3Comp [get, set] |
float | SideProd4Comp [get, set] |
float | CalcCondDuty [get, set] |
float | CalcRebrDuty [get, set] |
float | EstDistRate [get, set] |
float | EstRefluxRate [get, set] |
float | Est1stDrawRate [get, set] |
float | Tolerance [get, set] |
float | VaporFraction [get, set] |
float | EstTTop [get, set] |
float | EstTBottom [get, set] |
float | OptionalTrayNo [get, set] |
float | TrayMode [get, set] |
float | TraySpec [get, set] |
float | TrayCompi [get, set] |
float | QuenchFlag [get, set] |
float | EstT2 [get, set] |
float | DrawRate2 [get, set] |
float | DrawRate3 [get, set] |
float | DrawRate4 [get, set] |
float | ColumnType [get, set] |
float | TrayType [get, set] |
float | ColumnMaterial [get, set] |
float | TrayMaterial [get, set] |
float | ColumnDiameter [get, set] |
float | TraySpace [get, set] |
float | ColumnLength [get, set] |
float | ThicknessTop [get, set] |
float | ThicknessBot [get, set] |
float | MaterialDensity [get, set] |
float | CostOfPacking [get, set] |
float | VolumeOfPacking [get, set] |
float | ActualNoOfTrays [get, set] |
float | InstallFactor [get, set] |
float | ColumnPurchase [get, set] |
float | ColumnInstalled [get, set] |
float | CostEstimationFlag [get, set] |
float | ShellWeight [get, set] |
float | CostOfShell [get, set] |
float | CostOfTrays [get, set] |
float | PlatformLadder [get, set] |
float | CostOfPackings [get, set] |
float | NoOfSections [get, set] |
float | Diameter2ndSec [get, set] |
float | Length2ndSection [get, set] |
float | NoOfStages1 [get, set] |
float | VolumeOfPacking2 [get, set] |
float | CondExchangerType [get, set] |
float | CondMaterial [get, set] |
float | CondenserArea [get, set] |
float | CondPDesign [get, set] |
float | CondInstFactr [get, set] |
float | ReblExchangerType [get, set] |
float | ReblMaterial [get, set] |
float | ReboilerArea [get, set] |
float | ReblPDesign [get, set] |
float | ReblInstFactr [get, set] |
float | CondPurchase [get, set] |
float | CondInstalled [get, set] |
float | ReblPurchase [get, set] |
float | ReblInstalled [get, set] |
float | TotalPurchase [get, set] |
float | TotalInstalled [get, set] |
float | DistPout [get, set] |
float | BottomPout [get, set] |
float | TopEfficiency [get, set] |
float | BottomEfficiency [get, set] |
float | EfficiencyOption [get, set] |
float | CalcRefluxRatio [get, set] |
float | CalcRefluxMole [get, set] |
float | CalcRefluxMass [get, set] |
float | StageU [get, set] |
float | StageA [get, set] |
float | AmbientT [get, set] |
float | CondMoleHoldup [get, set] |
float | CondMassHoldup [get, set] |
float | CondVolHoldup [get, set] |
float | AccumulatorLiqLevel [get, set] |
float | BottomMoleHoldup [get, set] |
float | BottomMassHoldup [get, set] |
float | BottomVolHoldup [get, set] |
float | BottomLiqLevel [get, set] |
float | ReboilerSteamP [get, set] |
float | PresProfileFlag [get, set] |
float | OptimizationFlag [get, set] |
float | DcolmRefluxSpec [get, set] |
float | DcolmLiqDistSpec [get, set] |
float | DcolmBottSpec [get, set] |
float | DcolmCondU [get, set] |
float | DcolmCondA [get, set] |
float | DcolmReboilerU [get, set] |
float | DcolmReboilerA [get, set] |
float | DcolmStartupQr [get, set] |
float | DcolmStartupTime [get, set] |
float | RefluxContSetPoint [get, set] |
float | RefluxContPB [get, set] |
float | RefluxContTi [get, set] |
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short | Id [get] |
Id of the unit operation. More... | |
string | Name [get] |
Name of the unit operation. More... | |
string | CategoryName [get] |
Type of the unit op. More... | |
int | CategoryId [get] |
Type of the unit op. More... | |
StreamCollectionCurUnits | InletStreams [get] |
Returns all inlet streams of this unit op. More... | |
StreamCollectionCurUnits | OutletStreams [get] |
Returns all outlet streams of this unit op. More... | |
string | RuntimeErrorString [get] |
Runtime error string. More... | |
int | RuntimeErrorCode [get] |
Runtime error code. More... | |
int | NumberOfStages [get] |
Number of stages of this unit operation. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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UnitOperation (UnitOperation o) | |
ColumnHydraulicsResult | GetColumnHydraulicsFromSizing (ColumnType columnType) |
Get hydraulics of a column unit op. The values are in current flowsheet units. More... | |
ColumnHydraulicsResult | GetColumnHydraulicsFromSizingInternalUnits (ColumnType columnType) |
Get hydraulics of a column unit op. The values are in internal units. More... | |
void | GetEquilibriumReactionParameter (float parVal, short rxnNo, EquilibriumRxnParamter parID, short compIdx) |
Get equilibrium reaction parameter. More... | |
void | PutEquilibriumReactionParameter (float parVal, EquilibriumRxnParamter parID, short rxnNo, short compIdx) |
Set an equilibrium reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
float | GetKineticReactionParameter (short rxnNo, KineticRxnParameter parID, short compIdx) |
Get kinetic reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
void | PutKineticReactionPar (float parVal, KineticRxnParameter parID, short rxnNo, short compIdx) |
Set kinetic reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
void | SetFoulingFactors (double tFouling, double sFouling) |
Set fouling factors of the unit op. More... | |
void | SetColumnPressureProfile (float[] pressureCurrentUnits) |
Set the column pressure of a profile in current flowsheet Units. More... | |
void | SetParameterInCurUnits (short parameterId, float parVal) |
Set parameter of unit op in current flowsheet units. More... | |
void | SetParameterInInternalUnits (short parameterId, float parVal) |
Set parameter of unit op in internal units. More... | |
float | GetParameterInCurUnits (short parameterId) |
Get parameter of unit op in current flowsheet units. More... | |
float | GetParameterInInernalUnits (short parameterId) |
Get parameter of unit op in internal units. More... | |
float | GetTrayProperty (ColumnType columnType, int trayNumber, StreamProperty property) |
Get tray property of the defined tray in the distillation column. More... | |