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.NET Interface to CHEMCAD
Properties | |
float | Stream1dp [get, set] |
float | Stream2dp [get, set] |
float | Stream1TOut [get, set] |
float | Stream2TOut [get, set] |
float | Stream1VFOut [get, set] |
float | Stream2VFOut [get, set] |
float | MinDeltaTemp [get, set] |
float | InputHeatDuty [get, set] |
float | Stream1Subcooling [get, set] |
float | Stream1Superheat [get, set] |
float | THoTCi [get, set] |
float | THiTCo [get, set] |
float | U [get, set] |
float | AreaShell [get, set] |
float | ShellsInSeries [get, set] |
float | NoOfSSPasses [get, set] |
float | NoOfTSPasses [get, set] |
float | NoOfZones [get, set] |
float | CalcHtDuty [get, set] |
float | LMTDEndPoints [get, set] |
float | LMTDCorrFactor [get, set] |
float | UtilityOption [get, set] |
float | CalcU [get, set] |
float | CalcArea [get, set] |
float | PinchFlag [get, set] |
float | Stream1Pout [get, set] |
float | Stream2Pout [get, set] |
float | Stream2Subcooling [get, set] |
float | Stream2Superheat [get, set] |
float | BackcalcMode [get, set] |
float | T1OutT2Out [get, set] |
float | WtLMTD [get, set] |
float | AreaZoneAnal [get, set] |
float | Stream1DeltaT1 [get, set] |
float | Stream2DeltaT2 [get, set] |
float | CostEstimation [get, set] |
float | ExchangerType [get, set] |
float | ShellAndTube [get, set] |
float | InstallFactor [get, set] |
float | MaterialFactor [get, set] |
float | PressureFactor [get, set] |
float | TypeFactor [get, set] |
float | BasicCost [get, set] |
float | TotalPurchaseCost [get, set] |
float | TotalInstalledCost [get, set] |
float | DesignPressure [get, set] |
float | CostModel [get, set] |
float | EvaporatorType [get, set] |
float | ForcedCircEvap [get, set] |
float | LongTubeEvaporator [get, set] |
float | DoublePipe [get, set] |
float | Type [get, set] |
float | P1OutSpecifed [get, set] |
float | P2OutSpecifed [get, set] |
float | UtilOperatingT [get, set] |
float | TubeFouling [get, set] |
float | ShellFouling [get, set] |
float | SyphonRecirVapor [get, set] |
float | SyphonRecirLiquid [get, set] |
float | SyphonRecirTout [get, set] |
float | SyphonDpInlet [get, set] |
float | SyphonDpOutlet [get, set] |
float | HoldupFlag [get, set] |
float | Side1Holdup [get, set] |
float | Side2Holdup [get, set] |
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short | Id [get] |
Id of the unit operation. More... | |
string | Name [get] |
Name of the unit operation. More... | |
string | CategoryName [get] |
Type of the unit op. More... | |
int | CategoryId [get] |
Type of the unit op. More... | |
StreamCollectionCurUnits | InletStreams [get] |
Returns all inlet streams of this unit op. More... | |
StreamCollectionCurUnits | OutletStreams [get] |
Returns all outlet streams of this unit op. More... | |
string | RuntimeErrorString [get] |
Runtime error string. More... | |
int | RuntimeErrorCode [get] |
Runtime error code. More... | |
int | NumberOfStages [get] |
Number of stages of this unit operation. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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UnitOperation (UnitOperation o) | |
ColumnHydraulicsResult | GetColumnHydraulicsFromSizing (ColumnType columnType) |
Get hydraulics of a column unit op. The values are in current flowsheet units. More... | |
ColumnHydraulicsResult | GetColumnHydraulicsFromSizingInternalUnits (ColumnType columnType) |
Get hydraulics of a column unit op. The values are in internal units. More... | |
void | GetEquilibriumReactionParameter (float parVal, short rxnNo, EquilibriumRxnParamter parID, short compIdx) |
Get equilibrium reaction parameter. More... | |
void | PutEquilibriumReactionParameter (float parVal, EquilibriumRxnParamter parID, short rxnNo, short compIdx) |
Set an equilibrium reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
float | GetKineticReactionParameter (short rxnNo, KineticRxnParameter parID, short compIdx) |
Get kinetic reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
void | PutKineticReactionPar (float parVal, KineticRxnParameter parID, short rxnNo, short compIdx) |
Set kinetic reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
void | SetFoulingFactors (double tFouling, double sFouling) |
Set fouling factors of the unit op. More... | |
void | SetColumnPressureProfile (float[] pressureCurrentUnits) |
Set the column pressure of a profile in current flowsheet Units. More... | |
void | SetParameterInCurUnits (short parameterId, float parVal) |
Set parameter of unit op in current flowsheet units. More... | |
void | SetParameterInInternalUnits (short parameterId, float parVal) |
Set parameter of unit op in internal units. More... | |
float | GetParameterInCurUnits (short parameterId) |
Get parameter of unit op in current flowsheet units. More... | |
float | GetParameterInInernalUnits (short parameterId) |
Get parameter of unit op in internal units. More... | |
float | GetTrayProperty (ColumnType columnType, int trayNumber, StreamProperty property) |
Get tray property of the defined tray in the distillation column. More... | |