.NET Interface to CHEMCAD
Properties | |
float | CalculationMode [get, set] |
float | HeatDuty [get, set] |
float | U [get, set] |
float | Area [get, set] |
float | Pressure [get, set] |
float | FireModel [get, set] |
float | FFactor [get, set] |
float | FireFacilities [get, set] |
float | AboveGround [get, set] |
float | PMax [get, set] |
float | ThreePhaseOption [get, set] |
float | RecorderOption [get, set] |
float | Diameter [get, set] |
float | CylinderLength [get, set] |
float | VesselType [get, set] |
float | HeadType [get, set] |
float | HeadRatio [get, set] |
float | InitLiqLev1 [get, set] |
float | InitLiqLev2 [get, set] |
float | Temperature [get, set] |
float | InletNozzlePos [get, set] |
float | InitUtilTout [get, set] |
float | LiqFlow1Mode [get, set] |
float | LiqFlow2Mode [get, set] |
float | Reserved [get, set] |
float | LiqFlow1Spec [get, set] |
float | LiqFlow2Spec [get, set] |
float | Reserved2 [get, set] |
float | VapFlowMode [get, set] |
float | VapFlowSpec [get, set] |
float | C0 [get, set] |
float | NozzleArea [get, set] |
float | DischargeCoeff [get, set] |
float | VentFlowModel [get, set] |
float | SetPressure [get, set] |
float | BackPressure [get, set] |
float | CalcTemp [get, set] |
float | CalcPress [get, set] |
float | CalcLev1 [get, set] |
float | CalcLev2 [get, set] |
float | VesselVol [get, set] |
float | CalcLVol1 [get, set] |
float | CalcLVol2 [get, set] |
float | CalcVapVol [get, set] |
float | OverallQ [get, set] |
float | Kb [get, set] |
float | Kp [get, set] |
float | Kw [get, set] |
float | Kv [get, set] |
float | ReliefMassVf [get, set] |
float | DeviceType [get, set] |
float | Speclevel1 [get, set] |
float | SpecLevel2 [get, set] |
float | CalcLiq1Mole [get, set] |
float | CalcLiq2Mole [get, set] |
float | CalcLiq1Mass [get, set] |
float | LiqOnlyFlag [get, set] |
float | Liq1MoleHoldUp [get, set] |
float | Liq2MoleHoldUp [get, set] |
float | Liq1MassHoldUp [get, set] |
float | Liq2MassHoldUp [get, set] |
float | CompWorkFlag [get, set] |
float | CalcMaximumP [get, set] |
float | ChargeOption [get, set] |
Properties inherited from CCAPI.UnitOperation | |
short | Id [get] |
Id of the unit operation. More... | |
string | Name [get] |
Name of the unit operation. More... | |
string | CategoryName [get] |
Type of the unit op. More... | |
int | CategoryId [get] |
Type of the unit op. More... | |
StreamCollectionCurUnits | InletStreams [get] |
Returns all inlet streams of this unit op. More... | |
StreamCollectionCurUnits | OutletStreams [get] |
Returns all outlet streams of this unit op. More... | |
string | RuntimeErrorString [get] |
Runtime error string. More... | |
int | RuntimeErrorCode [get] |
Runtime error code. More... | |
int | NumberOfStages [get] |
Number of stages of this unit operation. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Member Functions inherited from CCAPI.UnitOperation | |
UnitOperation (UnitOperation o) | |
ColumnHydraulicsResult | GetColumnHydraulicsFromSizing (ColumnType columnType) |
Get hydraulics of a column unit op. The values are in current flowsheet units. More... | |
ColumnHydraulicsResult | GetColumnHydraulicsFromSizingInternalUnits (ColumnType columnType) |
Get hydraulics of a column unit op. The values are in internal units. More... | |
void | GetEquilibriumReactionParameter (float parVal, short rxnNo, EquilibriumRxnParamter parID, short compIdx) |
Get equilibrium reaction parameter. More... | |
void | PutEquilibriumReactionParameter (float parVal, EquilibriumRxnParamter parID, short rxnNo, short compIdx) |
Set an equilibrium reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
float | GetKineticReactionParameter (short rxnNo, KineticRxnParameter parID, short compIdx) |
Get kinetic reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
void | PutKineticReactionPar (float parVal, KineticRxnParameter parID, short rxnNo, short compIdx) |
Set kinetic reaction parameter of the unit op. More... | |
void | SetFoulingFactors (double tFouling, double sFouling) |
Set fouling factors of the unit op. More... | |
void | SetColumnPressureProfile (float[] pressureCurrentUnits) |
Set the column pressure of a profile in current flowsheet Units. More... | |
void | SetParameterInCurUnits (short parameterId, float parVal) |
Set parameter of unit op in current flowsheet units. More... | |
void | SetParameterInInternalUnits (short parameterId, float parVal) |
Set parameter of unit op in internal units. More... | |
float | GetParameterInCurUnits (short parameterId) |
Get parameter of unit op in current flowsheet units. More... | |
float | GetParameterInInernalUnits (short parameterId) |
Get parameter of unit op in internal units. More... | |
float | GetTrayProperty (ColumnType columnType, int trayNumber, StreamProperty property) |
Get tray property of the defined tray in the distillation column. More... | |