.NET Interface to CHEMCAD  1.1.11
CCAPI.UnitOperations.BatchColumn Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for CCAPI.UnitOperations.BatchColumn:

Public Types

enum  Parameters {
  NoOfStages = 2, OperationSteps = 3, StageHoldup = 4, CondenserHoldup = 5,
  SelectHoldupUnit = 6, HoldupProfile = 7, CondenserType = 8, CondPressure = 9,
  CondPresDrop = 10, ColmPresDrop = 11, PressureProfile = 12, Method = 13,
  FeedStage1 = 14, FeedStage2 = 15, FeedStage3 = 16, FeedStage4 = 17,
  FeedStage5 = 18, SideProdStage1 = 19, SideProdStage2 = 20, SideProdStage3 = 21,
  SideProdStage4 = 22, SideProdStage5 = 23, ExchangerStage1 = 24, ExchangerStage2 = 25,
  ExchangerStage3 = 26, ExchangerStage4 = 27, ExchangerStage5 = 28, NoOfIterations = 29,
  DampingFactor = 30, StageU = 31, StageA = 32, AmbientTemp = 33,
  OperationStepNo = 34, ToleranceFactor = 36, TopStage = 37, LastStage = 38,
  CurrentTime = 50, Op1Spec1Mode = 51, Op1Spec1Value = 52, Op1Spec2Mode = 53,
  Op1Spec2Value = 54, Op1StopWhen = 55, Op1StopValue = 56, Op1MeasuredVariable = 57,
  Op1MinimumRunTime = 58, Op1ElapsedTime = 59, Op1CondDuty = 60, Op1ReboilerDuty = 61,
  Op1CalcMoleReflux = 62, Op1CalcMassReflux = 63, Op1AccumMole = 64, Op1AccumMass = 65,
  Op1BottMole = 66, Op1BottMass = 67, Op2Spec1Mode = 71, Op2Spec1Value = 72,
  Op2Spec2Mode = 73, Op2Spec2Value = 74, Op2StopWhen = 75, Op2StopValue = 76,
  Op2MeasuredVariable = 77, Op2MinimumRunTime = 78, Op2ElapsedTime = 79, Op2CondDuty = 80,
  Op2ReboilerDuty = 81, Op2CalcMoleReflux = 82, Op2CalcMassReflux = 83, Op2AccumMole = 84,
  Op2AccumMass = 85, Op2BottMole = 86, Op2BottMass = 87, Op3Spec1Mode = 91,
  Op3Spec1Value = 92, Op3Spec2Mode = 93, Op3Spec2Value = 94, Op3StopWhen = 95,
  Op3StopValue = 96, Op3MeasuredVariable = 97, Op3MinimumRunTime = 98, Op3ElapsedTime = 99,
  Op3CondDuty = 100, Op3ReboilerDuty = 101, Op3CalcMoleReflux = 102, Op3CalcMassReflux = 103,
  Op3AccumMole = 104, Op3AccumMass = 105, Op3BottMole = 106, Op3BottMass = 107,
  Op4Spec1Mode = 111, Op4Spec1Value = 112, Op4Spec2Mode = 113, Op4Spec2Value = 114,
  Op4StopWhen = 115, Op4StopValue = 116, Op4MeasuredVariable = 117, Op4MinimumRunTime = 118,
  Op4ElapsedTime = 119, Op4CondDuty = 120, Op4ReboilerDuty = 121, Op4CalcMoleReflux = 122,
  Op4CalcMassReflux = 123, Op4AccumMole = 124, Op4AccumMass = 125, Op4BottMole = 126,
  Op4BottMass = 127, Op5Spec1Mode = 131, Op5Spec1Value = 132, Op5Spec2Mode = 133,
  Op5Spec2Value = 134, Op5StopWhen = 135, Op5StopValue = 136, Op5MeasuredVariable = 137,
  Op5MinimumRunTime = 138, Op5ElapsedTime = 139, Op5CondDuty = 140, Op5ReboilerDuty = 141,
  Op5CalcMoleReflux = 142, Op5CalcMassReflux = 143, Op5AccumMole = 144, Op5AccumMass = 145,
  Op5BottMole = 146, Op5BottMass = 147


float NoOfStages [get, set]
float OperationSteps [get, set]
float StageHoldup [get, set]
float CondenserHoldup [get, set]
float SelectHoldupUnit [get, set]
float HoldupProfile [get, set]
float CondenserType [get, set]
float CondPressure [get, set]
float CondPresDrop [get, set]
float ColmPresDrop [get, set]
float PressureProfile [get, set]
float Method [get, set]
float FeedStage1 [get, set]
float FeedStage2 [get, set]
float FeedStage3 [get, set]
float FeedStage4 [get, set]
float FeedStage5 [get, set]
float SideProdStage1 [get, set]
float SideProdStage2 [get, set]
float SideProdStage3 [get, set]
float SideProdStage4 [get, set]
float SideProdStage5 [get, set]
float ExchangerStage1 [get, set]
float ExchangerStage2 [get, set]
float ExchangerStage3 [get, set]
float ExchangerStage4 [get, set]
float ExchangerStage5 [get, set]
float NoOfIterations [get, set]
float DampingFactor [get, set]
float StageU [get, set]
float StageA [get, set]
float AmbientTemp [get, set]
float OperationStepNo [get, set]
float ToleranceFactor [get, set]
float TopStage [get, set]
float LastStage [get, set]
float CurrentTime [get, set]
float Op1Spec1Mode [get, set]
float Op1Spec1Value [get, set]
float Op1Spec2Mode [get, set]
float Op1Spec2Value [get, set]
float Op1StopWhen [get, set]
float Op1StopValue [get, set]
float Op1MeasuredVariable [get, set]
float Op1MinimumRunTime [get, set]
float Op1ElapsedTime [get, set]
float Op1CondDuty [get, set]
float Op1ReboilerDuty [get, set]
float Op1CalcMoleReflux [get, set]
float Op1CalcMassReflux [get, set]
float Op1AccumMole [get, set]
float Op1AccumMass [get, set]
float Op1BottMole [get, set]
float Op1BottMass [get, set]
float Op2Spec1Mode [get, set]
float Op2Spec1Value [get, set]
float Op2Spec2Mode [get, set]
float Op2Spec2Value [get, set]
float Op2StopWhen [get, set]
float Op2StopValue [get, set]
float Op2MeasuredVariable [get, set]
float Op2MinimumRunTime [get, set]
float Op2ElapsedTime [get, set]
float Op2CondDuty [get, set]
float Op2ReboilerDuty [get, set]
float Op2CalcMoleReflux [get, set]
float Op2CalcMassReflux [get, set]
float Op2AccumMole [get, set]
float Op2AccumMass [get, set]
float Op2BottMole [get, set]
float Op2BottMass [get, set]
float Op3Spec1Mode [get, set]
float Op3Spec1Value [get, set]
float Op3Spec2Mode [get, set]
float Op3Spec2Value [get, set]
float Op3StopWhen [get, set]
float Op3StopValue [get, set]
float Op3MeasuredVariable [get, set]
float Op3MinimumRunTime [get, set]
float Op3ElapsedTime [get, set]
float Op3CondDuty [get, set]
float Op3ReboilerDuty [get, set]
float Op3CalcMoleReflux [get, set]
float Op3CalcMassReflux [get, set]
float Op3AccumMole [get, set]
float Op3AccumMass [get, set]
float Op3BottMole [get, set]
float Op3BottMass [get, set]
float Op4Spec1Mode [get, set]
float Op4Spec1Value [get, set]
float Op4Spec2Mode [get, set]
float Op4Spec2Value [get, set]
float Op4StopWhen [get, set]
float Op4StopValue [get, set]
float Op4MeasuredVariable [get, set]
float Op4MinimumRunTime [get, set]
float Op4ElapsedTime [get, set]
float Op4CondDuty [get, set]
float Op4ReboilerDuty [get, set]
float Op4CalcMoleReflux [get, set]
float Op4CalcMassReflux [get, set]
float Op4AccumMole [get, set]
float Op4AccumMass [get, set]
float Op4BottMole [get, set]
float Op4BottMass [get, set]
float Op5Spec1Mode [get, set]
float Op5Spec1Value [get, set]
float Op5Spec2Mode [get, set]
float Op5Spec2Value [get, set]
float Op5StopWhen [get, set]
float Op5StopValue [get, set]
float Op5MeasuredVariable [get, set]
float Op5MinimumRunTime [get, set]
float Op5ElapsedTime [get, set]
float Op5CondDuty [get, set]
float Op5ReboilerDuty [get, set]
float Op5CalcMoleReflux [get, set]
float Op5CalcMassReflux [get, set]
float Op5AccumMole [get, set]
float Op5AccumMass [get, set]
float Op5BottMole [get, set]
float Op5BottMass [get, set]
- Properties inherited from CCAPI.UnitOperation
short Id [get]
 Id of the unit operation. More...
string Name [get]
 Name of the unit operation. More...
string CategoryName [get]
 Type of the unit op. More...
int CategoryId [get]
 Type of the unit op. More...
StreamCollectionCurUnits InletStreams [get]
 Returns all inlet streams of this unit op. More...
StreamCollectionCurUnits OutletStreams [get]
 Returns all outlet streams of this unit op. More...
string RuntimeErrorString [get]
 Runtime error string. More...
int RuntimeErrorCode [get]
 Runtime error code. More...
int NumberOfStages [get]
 Number of stages of this unit operation. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from CCAPI.UnitOperation
 UnitOperation (UnitOperation o)
ColumnHydraulicsResult GetColumnHydraulicsFromSizing (ColumnType columnType)
 Get hydraulics of a column unit op. The values are in current flowsheet units. More...
ColumnHydraulicsResult GetColumnHydraulicsFromSizingInternalUnits (ColumnType columnType)
 Get hydraulics of a column unit op. The values are in internal units. More...
void GetEquilibriumReactionParameter (float parVal, short rxnNo, EquilibriumRxnParamter parID, short compIdx)
 Get equilibrium reaction parameter. More...
void PutEquilibriumReactionParameter (float parVal, EquilibriumRxnParamter parID, short rxnNo, short compIdx)
 Set an equilibrium reaction parameter of the unit op. More...
float GetKineticReactionParameter (short rxnNo, KineticRxnParameter parID, short compIdx)
 Get kinetic reaction parameter of the unit op. More...
void PutKineticReactionPar (float parVal, KineticRxnParameter parID, short rxnNo, short compIdx)
 Set kinetic reaction parameter of the unit op. More...
void SetFoulingFactors (double tFouling, double sFouling)
 Set fouling factors of the unit op. More...
void SetColumnPressureProfile (float[] pressureCurrentUnits)
 Set the column pressure of a profile in current flowsheet Units. More...
void SetParameterInCurUnits (short parameterId, float parVal)
 Set parameter of unit op in current flowsheet units. More...
void SetParameterInInternalUnits (short parameterId, float parVal)
 Set parameter of unit op in internal units. More...
float GetParameterInCurUnits (short parameterId)
 Get parameter of unit op in current flowsheet units. More...
float GetParameterInInernalUnits (short parameterId)
 Get parameter of unit op in internal units. More...
float GetTrayProperty (ColumnType columnType, int trayNumber, StreamProperty property)
 Get tray property of the defined tray in the distillation column. More...

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